
We believe that great Architecture is designed for sharing. The team at BWMA are keen to share examples of our current projects, featuring work in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and across the UK.

We hope that it provides some inspiration for your own project!

Completed Works

A selection of our completed projects, with more to follow when professionally photographed…

Marlborough, studio space

Studio space in Marlborough, Wiltshire - completed late summer 2020


Broombrae, “Puja room”

Multi-purpose space

Furniture | bespoke cabinetry design


BroombraeEntrance hall

Integrated cabinetry design

Furniture | bespoke cabinetry design


Broomhill, Studio.

Studio space - West End, Aberdeen - Completed early 2022


Work In Progress

See updates from design to completion from some of our current projects at the “work in progress stage”. These projects are past the initial design or “on the drawing board” stage and making their way to going on site…. (although “on the drawing board” never really stops as we are constantly developing and thinking from design to detail to make your project the best it can possibly be…. more on this in a BWMA blog soon!

Castle Pavilion, RenovationRenovation of 18th century castle pavilion into stunning accommodation

Barra Castle, Honeymoon Suite.

Renovation of 18th century castle pavilion into stunning accommodation


Forest Avenue

Renovation, Aberdeen



Renovation to Aberdeen home


Derbeth Grange

Extension & Renovation, Aberdeen


Brooms Croft

Extension & Renovation, Aberdeenshire


Rainbows End Cottage

Renovation & Extension - Banchory, Aberdeenshire

On the drawing board

A selection of our early stage projects or projects that were to explore possibilities for our clients ahead of decision making… we look forward to sharing more of these and as each of them progress.


Mount Street

Renovation & Extension


Morningside, Aberdeen

Renovation & Extension

Monteach main approach.png

Monteach, Renovation

Renovation project - Aberdeenshire.


Hilldown Mill

Renovation & Extension